Yue Lyu
University of Waterloo
I am a PhD candidate in Human-Computer Interaction at the WatVis Lab in the School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. My research focuses on creating innovative user experiences and systems that tailored target groups (e.g., aviation pilots, ASD children) by leveraging advanced computer technologies, mixed reality, and artificial intelligence. I aim to develop knowledge and skills presentations that allow people to apply their newly acquired skills in both the digital and physical realms. I have experience in system design, database design, machine learning engineering, and mobile application development with multiple program languages through various platforms.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
CGPA: 95/100 (A+)
Supervisors: Dr. Jian Zhao and Dr. Keiko Katsuragawa
M.Math. in Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
CGPA: 92/100 (A+)
Thesis: Eggly: Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Neurofeedback Training Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Supervisors: Dr. Jian Zhao and Dr. Keiko Katsuragawa
BSc Honours in Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada
CGPA: 8.1/9 (A+)
Honours Project: Optimize and integrate QRS complex detection algorithm – GQRS
Award: Dean’s Graduation List
Mitacs Globalink Research Award, Mitacs Canada, $6,000
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ontario, $15,000
President’s Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo, $5,000
David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo, $20,000
Provost Doctoral Entrance Award (PDEA) for Women, University of Waterloo, $5,000
Math Domestic Graduate Award, University of Waterloo, $14,000
Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), $4,500
[Full Paper]
Lyu, Yue, Pengcheng An, Yage Xiao, Zibo Zhang, Huan Zhang, Keiko Katsuragawa,
and Jian Zhao. “Eggly: Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Neurofeedback Training
Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Proceedings of the ACM on
Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 7.2 (2023): 1-29.
[Workshop Paper]
Lyu, Yue, Pengcheng An, Huan Zhang, Keiko Katsuragawa, and Jian Zhao. “Designing
AI-Enabled Games to Support Social-Emotional Learning for Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorders. ACM CHI 2024 Workshop on Child-Centred AI, 3 pages.
[Full Paper]
Lyu, Yue, Yue, Di Liu, Pengcheng An, Xin Tong, Huan Zhang, Keiko Katsuragawa, and
Jian Zhao. “Emooly: Supporting Autistic Children in Collaborative Social-Emotional
Learning with Caregiver Participation through Interactive AI-infused and AR Activities.”
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
8.4 (2024): 1-36.
[Full Paper]
Lyu, Yue, Xizi Wang, Hanlu Ma, Yalong Yang, and Jian Zhao. “Exploring the Design of
Visual Aids for Enhancing In-cockpit Air Traffic Control Communication.” Proceedings
of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Submitted in Sep.
Professional Experience
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Victoria, Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring & Management System
Worked with researchers to design and develop a web-based ECG monitoring & management system, which allows users to visualize and manage the ECG data, and access clinical resources through multiple platforms.
- Developed dynamic frontend interfaces using TypeScript and Angular, and implemented a robust RESTful backend server with Java, ensuring secure data transmission through HTTPS and efficient data management.
- Designed and optimized database schema using normalization techniques, utilizing MySQL to enhance data integrity and reduce redundancy.
- Leveraged a diverse technology stack including Java, Angular, MySQL, Apache Tomcat, and various DevOps tools to create a scalable and secure healthcare data management platform.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Victoria, HeartCarer – a Mobile ECG Monitoring Application
Worked with a researcher to design and develop a mobile ECG monitoring application that detects the pattern of the ECG, filters and stores the data for further analysis, and allows users to visualize their real-time ECG and heart rate.
- Implemented advanced signal processing techniques, including QRS complex detection and a sliding window algorithm that improved heartbeat selection accuracy by 6%, while utilizing multi-threading to optimize graphics performance.
- Developed cross-platform mobile application using Java and C, integrating Bluetooth communication, RESTful API interactions, and a robust network layer for seamless data transmission and backend integration.
- Leveraged a comprehensive technology stack including Java, C, Android Development, RESTful APIs, and JSON to create an innovative healthcare monitoring solution with enhanced performance and visualization capabilities.
Junior Developer, SAP, Vancouver
Worked in global technology legal compliance team to design and develop high-quality products for commercial usage to satisfy requirements on SAP’s development speed and efficiency while guaranteeing compliance.
- Developed sophisticated data management solutions, including a complex database migration pipeline transferring graph data from Neo4j to Redis, and implementing advanced testing strategies using Postman and parallel load testing techniques.
- Designed and implemented performance-critical features leveraging advanced programming concepts such as threading, multiprocessing, synchronization, and lock mechanisms across Java and Python technologies.
- Utilized a diverse technology stack including Java, Python, Neo4j, Redis, and Postman to create robust, efficient, and compliant software solutions for commercial applications.
Other Experience
Undergrad Research Assistant Mentor, University of Waterloo
Mentored undergraduate research assistants through all stages of their research, including project conceptualization, design, and implementation etc.
- Offered personalized guidance on research methodologies, data analysis, and academic writing, enabling students to build a robust foundation in essential research practices and critical thinking.
- Facilitated the understanding of research challenges and encouraged the development of innovative strategies, promoting active engagement, open dialogue, and the co-creation of impactful insights and outcomes.
- Delivered timely and tailored technical support, particularly in software debugging and problem-solving, ensuring students effectively overcame challenges and achieved their goals.
Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo
Worked with instructors and teaching assistants on courses CS245 Logic and Computation (Fall’21, Winter’22, Fall’22), CS449/649 Human-Computer Interaction (Spring’22) and CS251 Computer Organization and Design (Spring’23).
- Guided students through group design projects during in-person studio sessions, fostering collaborative problem-solving and creative thinking.
- Conducted online office hours to address student questions, providing clear explanations and timely feedback to enhance understanding.
- Evaluated reports, assignments, and quizzes with a focus on fairness and detailed feedback to support student improvement.
- Proctored exams and worked collaboratively with other proctors to ensure smooth exam setup, operation, and adherence to academic integrity standards.
Public Talks
Eggly: Designing Mobile Augmented Reality Neurofeedback Training Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp ’24), Cancun, Mexico
Designing Mobile Neurofeedback Games for Children with ASD, Research Discovery
Day 2023, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Designing Mobile AR EEG Neurofeedback Games for Children with ASD, SPIN Lab Visit, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Poster Presentations
Exploring the Design of Visual Aids for Enhancing In-cockpit Air Traffic Control
Communication, Sustainable Aeronautics Summit 2024, Kitchener, Canada
Exploring the Design of Visual Aids for Enhancing In-cockpit Air Traffic Control
Communication, Cheriton Research Symposium 2024, Waterloo, Canada
Bridging the Communication Gap in the Skies – Visualization of Air Traffic Control
Communication for Pilots, Sustainable Aeronautics Summit 2023, Kitchener, Canada
Invited Reviewer
Paper reviewer, The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and
Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
Paper reviewer, The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology